Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hello World!

My name is Andrew. My purpose in this blog is to share information about dubbed anime that I run across. I often get asked why I prefer dubbed anime as opposed to subbed. There are many reasons, but mostly it comes down to accessibility. I appreciate having the material in my native language. That isn't to say that I can't appreciate the purist's reasoning. I can certainly appreciate that the voice acting might not be as good or that the translation is difficult and sometimes impossible, resulting in awkward moments of misunderstanding the situation. That is why I like to learn and understand the Japanese language and culture. This helps make those awkward moments less so as I understand what was actually said or meant. As such I do read subtitles and listen to the Japanese to get a better grasp of important moments and conversations. And yet I still prefer having the spoken language be a language in which I am fluent (incidentally, Spanish would also work).

As a proponent of dubs, I notice there aren't as many organized resources for disseminating information about the existence and release of dubbed material. So that is the goal of this blog. I don't anticipate this being a very active blog, but I do hope that its readers find its posts informative and helpful.

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